Supergirl #34

After spending several issues away from Earth looking into Rogol Zaar and the destruction of Krypton, Supergirl #34 marks the return of Supergirl to Earth. An Event Leviathan tie-in, Supergirl discovers quite a bit has happened since she's been gone including the attacks of the mystery group Leviathan on various DCU spy agencies. Discoveries when lead to tears on those lost and shock with reconnecting with others.

Along with giving us Supergirl swooping through her old stomping grounds (with Krypto no less!), the comic also offers an extended action sequence between the Maid of Might and agents of Leviathan who might have been able to take down Supergirl if not for the unexpected assist from an old friend.

I'll be curious to see how much Kara is involved in Leviathan going forward, or if the death and return of loved ones might sidetrack her for the foreseeable future. And, since Kara Danvers has been missing in Supergirl's absence, what's the plan to reintroduce her to the DCU? Worth a look.

[DC, $3.99]

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