Batman/Superman #1

The new volume of Batman/Superman launches with Superman being called to Gotham City. A young boy has gone missing and all evidence points to the return of The Batman Who Laughs (Bruce Wayne from Earth-22 who was infected by that dimension's Joker and has since become a hybrid of the two characters). Loose again on Earth-1, Batman and Superman team-up to find the missing boy and the villain who has teased the idea of turning all heroes into something just like him.

I was never really sold on the character of The Batman Who Laughs, but he's largely absent here having already put his plan into motion. His choice of a new Robin creates much larger problems for The Dark Knight and the Man of Tomorrow when they realize Billy Batson (and his alter-ego) are now completely insane.

The comic features some back and forth between the two characters, along with some inner monologue from both, on the status of their partnership and the threat that the toxin presents. There may not be enough here to keep me around the long term, but I'm certainly curious enough to return and see how the current situation gets resolved. Worth a look.

[DC, $3.99]

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