Charlie's Angels vs. The Bionic Woman #1
The Angels are sent by Charlie to infiltrate a laboratory and retrieve the secrets of a former government program that have fallen into the private sector. Their client, the original inventor, wants the plans returned to him. Easy, peasy, right? Trouble is, the people in control of the new business have ties to OSI and have brought in their own security. Jaime Summers has very personal reasons for not wanting to see the technology which saved her life stolen by a trio of strangers.
Some of Dynamite Entertainment's team-ups work better than others. This one seems like a natural match with both shows taking place at roughly the same time and featuring female leads. The comic also shakes things up by not using the original Angels, who are showcased in the ongoing title, but choosing a later team of Kris and Julie teaming up with Kelly.
While I'm not wild about the art by Soo Lee, and the first issue takes its sweet time in getting our characters together, there's enough here to likely appeal to most fans.
[Dynamite Entertainment, $3.99]