Zorro: Sacrilege #1
While further issues promise to take the mini-series down another strange occult/demonic storyline, the first issue of Zorro: Sacrilege is more classic Zorro storytelling involving the powerful taking advantage of the poor (some of whom are forced to work in the dangerous mine and others who are given specific commands by those in power). The issue finds Don Diego on the road, traveling to a monastery in Santa Leticia after a personal loss and still keeping up the pretense of the oblivious lazy landowner.
Despite appearances, Zorro's instincts are on point and it doesn't take too long for our hero to discover something is rotten at the core. His keen observational skills also take notice of a woman working on the grounds.
The final few panels foreshadow how the evil surrounding Santa Leticia will have some mystical or demonic cause, but Zorro: Sacrilege #1 works by telling a more grounded Zorro tale that turns out to be better than I was expecting. I probably won't stick around for the uber-evil to be revealed, but as a single issue the story works better than expected. For fans.
[American Mythology, $3.99]