Angel #1
The first issue of Angel (discounting the zero issue, which was more of a tease about Angel's time before heading to Sunnydale) feels a bit disconnected with the new Buffyverse, making it hard to judge where exactly it fits in the greater scheme of things. Despite the character's first appearance being in the current BOOM! Studios Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic, the storyline here follows a completely different path.
Relocated to Sunnydale, Angel #1 features the vampire with a soul looking in an old friend who attempts (but fails) to help Angel see the good he has done. Oh yes, Angel is in full brooding mode. The issue also includes cryptic warnings about dangers Angel is about to face and an opening flashback to his time as Angelus when he sired a vampire hunter. Although the flashback appears completely disconnected from the current storyline, it's obviously important to upcoming events surrounding Angel (who it appears will stay outside Buffy and the Scoobies' orbit for the time being, at least in this plotline). For fans.
[BOOM! Studios, $3.99]