Firefly: Bad Company #1

The over-sized special Firefly: Bad Company #1 offers a further look at a fan-favorite character. Told mostly through flashbacks of Saffron while being interrogated by the Alliance, we learn a thing or two about the woman who nearly beat Malcolm Reynolds and his crew (twice). What's interesting about the set-up, is everything is told from Saffron's point-of-view, leaving us to wonder what (if any) of the story is true. While the agent attempts to make Saffron a deal, to team-up against Malcolm Reynolds, Saffron has other plans.

Introducing the character as a child and thief, with family and friends decimated by the Pox, the story offers a plausible explanation to how Saffron came into contact with Companions and learned more than a little from her time with them.

The $8 price-tag is enough to make some pass on the issue, but there's enough here for fans of the show (and particularly this character) that is worth a look, even at the steep price. Worth a look.

[BOOM!, $7.99]

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