Super Heroes Card Trader - Awesome Pack 11
For more super-heroes check out Super-Hero Pack 1, Pack 2, Pack 3, Pack 4, Pack 5, Pack 6, Pack 7, Pack 8, Pack 9, Pack 10, Team-Up Pack 1, Wonder Woman Pack 1, Green Lantern Pack 1, Black Cat Pack 1, Lara Croft Pack 1, Pack 2, Pack 3, Spidey Pack 1, Pack 2, Deadpool Pack 1, Harley Quinn Pack 1, Pack 2, Pack 3, Pack 4, Pack 5, Birds of Prey Pack 1, Pack 2, Memorial Day Pack 1, X-Men Pack 1, and the X-Mas Mega Pack 1 and Mega Pack 2.

Sara Moni is a cosplayer from Phoenix, Arizona. Follow her on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Kamiko Zero is a Russian cosplayer. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and deviantART. You can also support her on Patreon.
Maid of Might Cosplay is a California cosplayer. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Reagan Kathryn is an entertainer and cosplayer from California. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter.
Hendo Art is a cosplayer from California. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Check out her official store as well. You can also support her on Patreon.
Lenox Knight is Los Angeles actress, cosplayer, and singer. You can follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can also support her on Pateron.
Sylvia Slays is a Los Angeles model, cosplayer, and prop maker. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Kayla Erin is a cosplayer and model from Australia. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and deviantART.
Shenay Stellar is a cosplayer. You can follow her on YouTube.
Karrigan Taylor is a cosplayer and model. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Toni Darling is a cosplayer, the owner of Pop-Fury, co-host of The Weekly Bleed, and co-owner of Hero Elements. You can follow her on Facebook and YouTube.
NOTE: These cards exist solely to celebrate and promote the cosplayers and their terrific cosplay. No physical copies of these cards exist, nor has any attempt to sell any of the cards been made.