G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #259

The first several pages of G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #259 cover the fallout from last month's issue which saw a temporary team-up between the JOEs and Cobra which leaves heavy damage in Springfield and one JOE in serious threat of loosing a limb. Usually the JOEs are up for any fight, but for Sightline the cost of the team's temporary truce with Cobra will be high.

However, that's far from the only story here. Jumping halfway around the world, the issue picks up with Cover Girl and her team in Shazidar attempting to prevent the nation's dictator from carrying out a genocidal war against his enemies. Also part of their orders is the rescue three United Nations relief workers who have become targets of his regime.

The issue also features a plot thread of the Baroness joining Destro in New Jersey where he is performing an extremely hostile takeover of his arms business' largest rival (who Destro's men carve up with relative ease). I don't know about you, but I'd hate to have Destro as an enemy. Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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