The Wild Storm #19
If you have been waiting The Wild Storm to take a breath and offer an issue that helps explain the various factions and motives at play, you don't want to miss The Wild Storm #19. Already having explored the tensions between Skywatch and I.O., the latest issue turns its attention to the more powerful players still lurking in the shadows. Not only does issue #19 explain the history of Jacob Marlowe and his alien race, and how its plans to cultivate Earth as a client species became something different, it also helps explain the competing agenda of the Daemonites and their purpose on Earth.
The Wild Storm #19 definitely fills in some gaps and helps explore a few more tweaks writer Warren Ellis has made to this version of the reimagined characters from the old WildStorm imprint.
The issue also offers two crucial pieces of information about Jenny Mei Sparks including her origins (not the spirit of any century) and a trip to Mars and delivers the first appearance of the final two authoritative figures who are likely to play a large role in how events unfold. Worth a look.
[DC, $3.99]