The Flash - The Flash & The Furious
With a couple of notable exceptions, the supporting cast takes center stage in "The Flash & The Furious" when the Flash (Grant Gustin) is sidelined by a new meta-human and forced to remain in the pipeline until his instability issues work themselves out. This allows Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) to step into the role of Central City's hero while dealing with her own issues after learning that her future mentor, and known Flash-adversary, the Reverse-Flash (Tom Cavanagh) is responsible for the death of her grandmother. Her new distrust of evil-doers pushes the repentant Weather Witch (Reina Hardesty) into the arms of the dangerous Silver Ghost (Gabrielle Walsh) whose black matter infuse key fob basically gives her control of any vehicle she wishes (including a stealth car developed by Wayne Industries).
The episode has its goofier moments (only some of which seem intentional). The lack of the Flash is certainly felt over the course of the episode, but Nora's enlarged role allows for the character to get a bit more screentime while working through her own trust issues and still look to her father's example for answers. The B-story offers the full return of Cisco's (Carlos Valdes) powers and a discovery of how he might cure himself, and others, of their burdens leading to trouble with Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) who has finally come to peace with her alter-ego and sees Cisco's plans as an attack against Killer Frost and other meta-humans. While the show opens the door to a kind-hearted attempt to remove the powers of those who no longer want them (Cisco included), it also foreshadows the potential misuse of such technology which will no doubt rear its head in the future.