Arrow - Past Sins
Arrow delves back into First Season plotlines in "Past Sins" when the son of the bodyguard murdered in the life raft by Robert Queen (Jamey Sheridan) shows up looking for revenge by targeting Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and the Star City Police Department. As whacked-out loonies go, the baddie of the week is pretty far out there (what did he really hope to gain by targeting police? and how does killing Oliver avenge a death he had no part in?), but the episode fulfills its intended purpose of helping Oliver win some trust with his half-sister Emiko (Sea Shimooka) by throwing his father under the bus. Just how Ollie plans to balance his new public transparency and his knowledge that his sister is the new Green Arrow with attempting to keep Emiko's trust, however, is yet to be seen.
The episode's B-storylines continue Diggle's (David Ramsey) push for a new Suicide Squad which will include not only Ricardo Diaz (Kirk Acevedo) but also returning villains China White (Kelly Hu) and Cupid (Amy Gumenick). Curtis (Echo Kellum) is less than thrilled with the news, especially when Diggle orders him to be involved checking on the prisoner's brain bombs. Even Curtis' great idea to screw with Diaz's mind via the implant to get the intel A.R.G.U.S. needs can't stop the inevitable resurrection of the Squad. "Past Sins" also offers the continued friendship between Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) who believes someone from her Earth has followed her. While looking at the wrong target proves fruitless, working together further cements the pair's bond which may be needed now that it's obvious someone is indeed targeting the city's District Attorney.