Action Comics #1006

There's a moment in Action Comics #1006, a single page of panels from artist Ryan Sook, that gets to the heart of Superman by elegantly showcasing his compassion, nobility, and gravitas. On a single page writer Brian Michael Bendis delivers what was lacking in Zack Snyder's Man of Steel (and the subsequent DC movies) - Superman's humanity. This is a hero.

The latest issue continues the "Invisible Mafia" arc as underground gangsters hope to stay under the Man of Steel's radar while Superman comes into conflict with Red Cloud who attacks Superman's new pal Melody Moore and is met not by malice by from Metropolis' hero, but a sincere offer of help. This is a hero.

There's some nice action here once Red Cloud rebuffs our hero's offer (the character's nature provides some interesting visuals of Superman fighting mist without a solid physical form for the Man of Steel to punch his way through). I'm really enjoying Bendis' take on Superman (and again huge props for pushing for the return of the trunks on both Batman and Superman!). Worth a look.

[DC, $3.99]

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