Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #1

Although exists as a tie-in to Marvel's new Spidey event Spider-Geddon, Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #1 is largely disconnected from its events (other than an appearance by Spider-Ham, which I'm always on-board with). Instead, the comic centers around the recently paroled Gwen Stacy who is just starting to get back into the swing of things before taking a large detour through Spider-Geddon (summed up on a single page) before being dropped back onto a different Earth.

The writing from Seanan McGuire, especially Gwen's internal monologue, is fun and breezy and reminds me of old school Spider-Man. Rosi Kämpe's art matches the writing and the spirit of the character. Although it starts out by acknowledging recent events and troubles for Gwen, dropping her off on a new Earth gives the comic (and character) a fresh start here that should work well for new readers not interesting in diving in too deep to her backstory.

Plus it has Spider-Ham. And wacky new Green Goblin. And a stunned Peter Parker. And, did I mention, Spider-Ham? Worth a look.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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