Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #25
Taking a break from recent events, and stretching out new abilities, Leonardo travels to the Astral Plane where he encounters an unusual guide and an unexpected adversary. Tied to recent events, but very much a standalone story, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #25 is an interesting issue that takes place almost entirely in the mental/spiritual realm.
"Dan" who appears both as a statue and a living guide for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, is an odd character who gives the first-half of the issue a somewhat goofy feel. The arrival of Kitsune, however, turns things serious quickly. The art of Nelson Daniel is able to capture both tones quite well.
Leonardo will need all his wits to fight off the attack of Kitsune, but he's learned enough to evade and eventually escape his enemies attacks. He's also learned to enjoy some rest with his brothers prior to the next fight the Turtles will inevitably find themselves embroiled in. Worth a look.
[IDW, $4.99]