Nancy Drew #3

Chapter 3 of "The Case of the Cold Case" continues following Nancy's discovery of a body in the caves around Deadman's Cliff. Happy to discover the out-of-contact Nancy is alive and unharmed, her friends finally demand some answers allowing writer Kelly Thompson to catch everyone up on why Nancy has returned to Bayport and what mystery Pete needs her help to solve.

The issue offers the classic trope from Nancy Drew, Scooby Doo!, The Three Investigators, and the Hardy Boys stories as the local police seem reluctant to accept the deductive abilities of the teenage girl and quickly dismiss clues that could help them solve the case. It looks like this one is up to Nancy and friends.

The group splits up to look into various threads of the mystery which include a local club drug, library research, and seeking out answers where Pete's mother once worked. While the last doesn't sound all that exciting, it appears Nancy may unintentionally given herself the most dangerous assignment. Worth a look.

[Dynamite Entertainment, $3.99]

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