Charlie's Angels #1
The classic TV-show Charlie's Angels gets new life as a comic. Dynamite Entertainment's new series keeps the Angels in the 1970s, and opens with the trio working undercover in the Limbo Lounge to overhear a meeting between a skeezy crook forcing his way into the profitable night club and his equally sleazy guest.
Hired by the clubs original owner, the Angels are looking for evidence to push the criminal element out of the Limbo Lounge. All hell breaks loose during Sabrina's magic act, but it turns out to be all part of the plan. Of course no Angels plan is complete with a few wrinkles and some quick thinking to get their client out of a jam. However, there looks to be more trouble for our heroines on the horizon in the form of two foreign agents with dastardly plans.
Charlie's Angels #1 is lightweight but enjoyable and should please fans of the show. If it can latch on, I wonder if we'll see various teams of Angels or always the original three. Either way, writer John Layman and artist Joe Eisma provide some nostalgic fun. Worth a look.
[Dynamite Entertainment, $3.99]