Poe Dameron #27

Set after the events of The Last Jedi, the latest arc of Poe Dameron picks up with the remnants of the Resistance aboard the Millennium Falcon sharing stories to help fill in gaps here and there during the events of The Force Awakens.

While the last issue focused on explaining how Poe Dameron made it off of Jakku, Poe Dameron #27 offers the return of a familiar Falcon co-pilot, Rey and Poe getting to know each other a little more, and another tale from the events of the first film involving the pilot Temmin Wexley and Black Squadron's reconnaissance of Starkiller Base prior to the Resistance's attack.

My lukewarm reaction to the character of Poe Dameron has kept me relatively uninterested in a comic featuring the character who was later helped exponentially by his role in The Last Jedi. Although not as interesting as the previous issue, there's fun to be had including Porgs and the return of Nien Nunb (even if it is a bit of unabashed fan service).

[Marvel, $3.99]

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