Hawaii Five-0 - Kōpī wale nō i ka i'a a 'eu nō ka ilo

Over the years Hawaii Five-0 has provided several episodes sending McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin), and occasionally the rest of the Five-0 team, out of Hawaii and into more military-style adventures. The penultimate episode of the show's rocky Eight Season follows this formula as McGarrett hitches a ride with Junior (Beulah Koale) and his SEAL team after learning their mission could involving finding Joe White (Terry O'Quinn). Not all that subtly, the episode mirrors the McGarret/White relationship with that of McGarrett and Junior. We also get flashbacks to a younger McGarrett on Joe White's team, and the lengths Steve's mentor went to keep him alive. Although its unclear if the team was successful in their primary mission of killing their target, McGarrett does get his man and brings him home.

As with the main storyline, the back-up story has its heart in the right place but the execution leaves something to be desired as Hirsch (Willie Garson) and Kamekona (Taylor Wily) take it on themselves to prove their worth to Grover (Chi McBride) and Tani (Meaghan Rath). The pair's Abbot & Costello take on crime-fighting is never as cute as the writers hope. This leads to Hirsch hiding under the bed of two killers having sex but also finding the evidence necessary to solve the crime. While I was happy to see the return of Willie Garson, here's hoping his next storyline isn't as juvenile.

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