A Series of Unfortunate Events - The Austere Academy
The Second Season of A Series of Unfortunate Events opens with Violet (Malina Weissman), Klaus (Louis Hynes), and baby Sunny at Prufrock Preparatory School. Here they find both old and new kinds of trouble. Forced to live in a orphan shack and attend classes teaching worthless information, the Baudelaires will continue to search in vain for information about their parents and the unusual circumstances they have found themselves in. They will have to deal with the return of Count Olaf (Neil Patrick Harris), who disguises himself as the school's new gym teacher and attempts to get the threesome thrown out of the school.
The two-part season premiere follows the basic formula set-up in the books and First Season with the children unable to convince other adults of Count Olaf's identity until it is almost too late. "The Austere Academy" does introduce the children to Duncan (Dylan Kingwell) and Isadora Quagmire (Avi Lake) and the kind librarian (Sara Rue) who, for a time, provide some genuine friendship. The Quagmires are also able to discover the lost book and finds some answers. Unfortunately, as one would expect, things don't end well for the Quagmires who are whisked away by Count Olaf's goons as something of a consolation prize before they can share the information with their new friends leaving the Baudelaires clueless and homeless once more.