Will Eisner's The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers #5

Writer and artist Francesco Francavilla's five-issue mini-series comes to a close with Will Eisner's The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers #5 as the Spirit and plucky detective Lisa Marlowe work together to makes sense of the missing locales who appear to be working as a zombie army deep under the Earth to harvest a valuable resource. In a move that's not all that surprising, Francavilla offers a plausable reason (at least by comic book standards) for the zombie-like horde who are in fact drugged and hypnotized cheap labor for the excavation of crimson coal.

With some nice back-and-forth between the pair, and a take down of the criminals in charge of the operation, the story comes to a close. The series wrap-up means a sad farewell to Marlowe, who holds her own alongside the hero quite well here, although we do get a tease for other possible team-ups with the Spirit somewhere down the line. I wouldn't seeing the character get her own short series, especially with Francavilla doing the design as once again the art of this mini-series has been terrific. Worth a look.

[Dynamite Entertainment, $3.99]

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