The Flash - The Elongated Knight Rises

As Barry (Grant Gustin) begins his prison stint, making a few enemies and a new friend (played by former professional wrestler Bill Goldberg), life outside Iron Heights goes on without him. Corinne Bohrer becomes the latest character to reprise her role from the 90s Flash television show where she played the Trickster's (Mark Hamill) underappreciated sidekick Prank. Presented here as the mother of the younger Trickster (Devon Graye), Prank helps her son break out of prison and unleash havoc on Central City where a new stretchy hero will have to grow a backbone and answer the call.

The season laid an awful lot of groundwork to get Ralph Dinby (Devon Graye) to this moment and there is a payoff here (along with nice bro-moment between Barry and Ralph). The introduction of this new moniker is a bit awkward (but then again so is the hero's comic book name, so that kind of works). So much is focused on Dinby stepping up that Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Caitlin's (Danielle Panabaker) icy alter-ego get a bit short-changed (seriously, don't you think they should have been able to take care of Millennial Trickster?). That said, Pranks' return is another nice nod to the previous series and a character who is arguably one of the biggest inspirations for Harley Quinn. It's also worth noting that Jessica Parker Kennedy shows up in another cameo to reprise her role as someone likely very important to the Flash's future.

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