Psych: The Movie

Set three years after the events of the Psych season finale, Psych: The Movie reunites the cast in San Fransisco where Shawn (James Roday) and Gus (Dulé Hill) will insert themselves into the attempted murder of Juliet's (Maggie Lawson) partner leading to a confrontation with an old enemy. Along with all the familiar faces (including a cameo of Timothy Omundson, who suffered a stroke shortly before the shooting of the TV-movie), we get the usual catchphrases (even if some of the them feel a bit forced) and goofiness from the fake psychic detective and his pharmaceutical salesman partner fans of the show remember fondly.

Of all the jokes, gags, and zaniness, some of my favorite moments included everything about the new Psych offices (named psychphransisco, set in Chinatown, and modeled after the antique store from Gremlins), Nathan Mitchell as the black gentleman ninja, Gus finally finding a woman (Jazmyn Simon), another trip to an abandoned mental hospital, and Zachary Levi's Empire Strikes Back escape. As was true with the show, there are some swings and misses (Ralph Macchio's cameo being one of the most awkward), but for the most part the movie manages to recapture the magic of the show and give fans an enjoyable gift just in time for the holidays.


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