Batman #37
I thoroughly enjoyed Batman #36 which focused on the relationships of Bruce Wayne and Catwoman, Clark Kent and Lois Lane, and Batman and Superman. Somehow, this issue is even better. Bringing the foursome together for a night out at the Gotham Fair (on super-hero night no less) proves to be one of the most enjoyable comics I've read all year.
With the men and ladies both trading clothes, the humor is great as Lois and Selina get to know each other better and Bruce and Clark enjoy themselves (and compete) while Mr. Wayne gears up for his impending nuptials. Honestly, I've been very lukewarm to the idea of a Batman and Catwoman wedding, but this issue sells me on the idea (especially if we get more comics like this!).
While the action is light (other than taking down a mugger, or Bruce and Selina in the Tunnel of Love), there are some great interactions and character moments that fans of both the Dark Knight Detective and the Man of Steel will enjoy. Best of the Week.
[DC, $2.99]