Hawaii Five-0 - Na La 'Ilio

Hawaii Five-0's Eighth Season got off to a rocky start with one of the worst episodes of the series. Things pick up a bit here, and the show finally takes time to acknowledge the absence of its two former cast members. "Na La 'Ilio" is still far from one of the show's best, but at least it's a passable episode that introduces two more new members for the Five-0 task force in Eddie (the four-legged DEA agent shot in the opening sequence) and former Navy SEAL Junior Reigns (Beulah Koale) who basically just hangs around until McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) relents to give him a job - provided he can get through the police academy.

The episode, centered around the task force taking down a major drug operation on the island, isn't without its flaws. First, McGarrett arrives at the crime scene swarming with local and federal officers and is somehow the only one able to follow an obvious blood trail back to the injured Eddie (who was shot in the open in the maze of freight containers, so how/why he ended up inside an opened container is another question). Once the investigation gets underway, we get high-speed car chases, Jerry (Jorge Garcia) giving some tech support, and plenty of banter between McGarret and Danny (Scott Caan) about their joint restaurant venture. The show may not yet be firing on all cylinders, but at least "Na La 'Ilio" isn't the clusterfuck we saw in the season premiere.

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