Batman #32

The War of Riddles and Jokes limps to the finish line with one final issue to conclude Bruce Wayne's retelling of events to Selina Kyle. Finally putting Batman, the Joker, and the Riddler in a room together to end the carnage, the issue's big twist is the role of Kite-Man who helps Batman successfully thwart the Riddler's final scheme. It's a nice moment for a character who has been put through the wringer over this arc. The Riddler's reaction to the swerve isn't half-bad either.

Following a fight sequence, and lots of whining from the Riddler, the rest of the issue is a bit more problematic as Batman finally gets to the moment of his failure in his attempt to kill the Riddler only to be stopped by the Joker. While Catwoman (of course) forgives this awful secret, the scene itself is contradictory to the character in so many ways that it's nearly impossible to accept it as canon. This becomes even more of a problem as Batman's sharing of this secret is pivotal in Catwoman forgiving him an accepting his proposal. In the end, the ambitious arc fails on at least as many levels as it succeeds and wastes most of Gotham under siege to short flashbacks with this the only payoff. Hit-and Miss.

[DC, $2.99]

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