Will Eisner's The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers #4
The fourth issue of the five-issue mini-series finally makes its way to comic shops. Opening with the Spirit's capture and torture at the hands of the bizarre group, Will Eisner's The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers #4 introduces the Spirit to private investigator Lisa Marlowe. Although the art of Marlowe retelling her story is terrific, writer/artist Francesco Francavilla does go over quite a bit of familiar ground for the audience to get our hero up to speed.
Heading into the final issue we still don't know who the hooded cult is, the reason for the zombies, or what any of them are after. Now that Marlowe and the Spirit are finally working together (and since we've only got one issue left), I think it's a pretty good bet that answers will come fast and furious in the next issue.
One note, while Lisa immediately recognizes the Spirit his torturer does not leaving a reader to wonder if our hero doesn't need a new press agent where the criminal underworld is concerned. Worth a look.
[Dynamite, $3.99]