Rick and Morty - Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender

From the moment Morty (Justin Roiland) shows Rick (Roiland) his stamp card telling his grandfather the tenth adventure will be with the Vindicators, Rick is a sullen prick (so... pretty much the norm). First, how great is it that Morty has a stamp card? And that Rick's "reward" for putting his grandson through all types of horror is to allow him to pick a single adventure for every ten Morty gets dragged on? Rick isn't pleased to see the Vindicators again, insensitively mocking the heroes as the prepare to stop Worldender from... well, ending worlds I guess. Worldender isn't he villain of he episode, however, it's Rick.

Getting blackout drunk the night before the Vindicators are to face-off against Worldender, Rick defeats the villain and sets up a series of dangerous traps to prove to Morty just how lame the Vindicators truly are (as if his vicious mocking comments at the conference table weren't enough). By the end of the episode the Vindicators have turned on themselves as well as the scientist. And, as Morty remarks, Rick proves to be the villain because he's always the villain. I'm not sure Morty got his money's worth on this trip, but Rick seemed to have a swell time.

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