Killjoys - The Hullen Have Eyes

"The Hullen Have Eyes" picks up the thread of the ships discovered by the RAC agents in the season premiere and explains what D'Avin (Luke Macfarlane) was doing we he piloted one of the ships (but not why no one noticed he was gone) as he, Dutch (Hannah John-Kamen), Johnny (Aaron Ashmore), and "new nerd" Zeph (Kelly McCormack) take the ship on a trip to a Hullen planet and meet their blinded worshipers.

The setting for the episode is certainly interesting as the crew discovers a Hullen training facility used to help their enemies appear and act more human. The reasoning for how D'Avin is able to control the ship and why he came back for the "remnant" is sketchy at best considering any programming Khlyen put in place would have had to be done well before the man's death (now that's thinking ahead). The subplot involving Delle Seyah Kendry (Mayko Nguyen) discovering just what kind of a bat-shit crazy Hullen she's aligned herself with doesn't work as well. After being teased about an even more dangerous version of Dutch loose in the galaxy, her evil twin is more Kylo Ren than Darth Vader.

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