Batman #27

"The War of Riddles and Jokes" continues, although without the flashback narration from Batman. This time the central character is not Batman, nor the Joker, nor the Riddler, but an inventor and mechanic of sorts who gets trapped in the games between the other three parties. The ridiculously-named Charles Brown is used as a pawn by the Dark Knight Detective and the Riddler both to draw out the Joker. The plan blows up in everyone's faces, and costs the low-rent thug what he prizes above all else.

Batman #27 works as a pretty compelling origin story for one of Batman's D-List villains. Charlie Brown's love of his son, understanding of wind-dynamics, and adoption of the seemingly innocuous toy used to take his son away from him certainly gives unexpected weight to the origin of someone choosing to call himself Kite Man.

Although I'm still conflicted about this storyline, it does allow Rebirth to bring in several old and new characters as part of the growing factions between the Joker and Riddler. If Kite Man earns this treatment I'm curious to see what else may be in store for other villains. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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