Wonder Woman
Released on home video eight years prior to the character getting her own theatrical live-action film, the animated feature 2009's Wonder Woman offers an origin story for Diana (Keri Russell) loosely based on the 80s comic reboot by George Perez following the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths. While the film may have not been the critical or monetary success DC hoped for, it's held up fairly well.
As with the new theatrical film, Wonder Woman gives us the basics of Diana's origins, the arrival of Steve Rogers (Nathan Fillion) on the island of Themyscira, Diana winning the right to be called Wonder Woman, and the return of Ares (Alfred Molina) who plans to wreak havoc on Earth.
Originally released with commentary from Bruce Timm and others, an extended look at Green Lantern: First Flight, a collection of Justice League cartoons, and a pair of documentaries on Wonder Woman, the movie has been released with additional content including a set which includes Perez's comic.
While more violent that some of the animated releases which proceeded it Wonder Woman provides a good origin story for the character (even if Ares never quite wins me over as a villain). Slightly modified from her earlier appearance, I'll admit to preferring the character from Justice League. Although there is something to praise about the movie reuniting the two Waitress stars for an animated feature.
[Warner Bros., Blu-ray $24.98 / DVD $12.99]
As with the new theatrical film, Wonder Woman gives us the basics of Diana's origins, the arrival of Steve Rogers (Nathan Fillion) on the island of Themyscira, Diana winning the right to be called Wonder Woman, and the return of Ares (Alfred Molina) who plans to wreak havoc on Earth.
Originally released with commentary from Bruce Timm and others, an extended look at Green Lantern: First Flight, a collection of Justice League cartoons, and a pair of documentaries on Wonder Woman, the movie has been released with additional content including a set which includes Perez's comic.
While more violent that some of the animated releases which proceeded it Wonder Woman provides a good origin story for the character (even if Ares never quite wins me over as a villain). Slightly modified from her earlier appearance, I'll admit to preferring the character from Justice League. Although there is something to praise about the movie reuniting the two Waitress stars for an animated feature.
[Warner Bros., Blu-ray $24.98 / DVD $12.99]