Shadowhunters - Mea Maxima Culpa

The end of the regular TV season and the slow roll-out of summer premieres has led me to give Shadowhunters another chance. Nothing has changed much since I last checked in on the show. Despite being captrued by the Institute Valentine (Alan Van Sprang) continues to scheme about collecting all the Mortal Instruments, the Institute remains remarkably dim when it comes to listening to its prize students, and Clary (Katherine McNamara) and Jace's (Dominic Sherwood) relationship hasn't gotten any less complicated now that they apparently aren't siblings (umm...what?). There are a few new storylines since I last peeked in, the first involves the new threat of the greater demon Azazel (Brett Donahue) wreaking havoc in the world and Isabelle's (Emeraude Toubia) addiction to vampire venom putting her in danger and meeting a new friend in a London Shadowhunter named Sebastian (Will Tudor).

The soap opera sci-fi continues the same themes throughout its summer premiere. Clary and Simon (Alberto Rosende)are together, but the show spends no effort to make us think this could possibly last (even though he's now able to walk into the sunshine thanks to Jace's angel blood... um, what?). And Luke (Isaiah Mustafa), separated almost entirely from the other storylines, continues to have trouble with his pack while the show also teases new troubles for the wolf from his inquisitive new partner who seems more interested in investigating him than the crimes they have been assigned.

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