
Released 75 years ago, Walt Disney's Bambi offers the coming of age story of a white-tailed deer named Bambi and friends Thumper and Flower. Because of the age of the characters varies ove the course of the story, multiple actors were brought in to do the voice work of Bambi and his friends. Although an older Bambi has a on-screen rival for the affections of his lady love, Disney goes a bit darker here with the looming threat of Man being the true villain of the film responsible for both the death of Bambi's mother and later the fire which threatens the entire forest at the end of the film.

Even with a focus on making the animals more realistic, Disney still lost money on the feature in its initial release. However, it made it's money back (and then some) with several additional theatrical releases over the years. Because of its darker themes the film was met with a mixed reception initially, but has earned it's spot over the years as one of the best animated films ever made.

Bambi escapes from the Walt Disney vault on DVD and Blu-ray in a new Signature release which includes some of the previously released features and extras along with deleted scenes and new featurettes on the making of the film, the animation of Bambi's movement, animal facts, a vintage cartoon, and a digital copy of the film. Other previously-released featurettes include more deleted scenes, a deleted song, trailer, and a look back at Bambi's spot in Disney history.

[Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, Blu-ray $24.95]

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