Supergirl - Exodus

Both Kara (Melissa Benoist) and Alex (Chyler Leigh) struggle with crises of faith in "Exodus." For Alex its the mixed emotions caused by her father's involvement in Cadmus which leads to her being benched by J'onn (David Harewood). And for Kara it's choosing between doing the right thing by warning aliens they are under attack by Cadmus or swallow the story until she can get enough proof for Snapper Carr (Ian Gomez) to run the story. Not surprisingly, neither woman choose to remain silent.

Supergirl isn't running from big issues in Season Two. In this episode alone the show tackles journalistic ethics, immigration policy, and the exposed raw nerves of several characters based on what Cadmus has done to their loved ones. Usually reserved for comic relief, Winn (Jeremy Jordan) steals some big dramatic moments when Lyra (Tamzin Merchant) is one of the aliens taken who Cadmus plans to forcibly eject into space using a restored space freighter. The real stars of the episode, however, are the Danvers sisters who each make hard choices when their gut and professional responsibilities come into conflict.

Dean Cain returns as a Jeremiah Danvers who is forced into making his own tough choices when his daughter forces his hand. He is not the only Lois and Clark alumni to make an appearance, however. The epilogue of "Exodus" foreshadows the arrival of Mon-El's (Chris Wood) parents on Earth. Kevin Sorbo is cast as the Daxamite's father, and Teri Hatcher (still my favorite Lois Lane) makes her first appearance on the show as Mon-El's mother. With big revelations looming about Mon-El's past, professional upheaval isn't going to be the only thing Kara will need to battle next week.

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