Supergirl - Luthors
Perhaps better than any episode of the series so far, "Luthors" highlights just who Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) is and what she stands for. When Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) is accused of helping break Lillian (Brenda Strong) and Metallo (Frederick Schmidt) out of prison only Kara stands up for her friend despite overwhelming evidence. When Metallo breaks Lena out of prison as well, further cementing the public's perception yet another bad apple from the Luthor tree, Kara continues to believe in her friend. While revealing more about Lena's relationship to various members of the Luthor clan, what makes "Luthor" work is that Supergirl is correct in her evaluation of Lena here... but from the final flashback, the show continues to tease that there's likely more to the youngest member of the Luthor clan than meets the eye.
The action is first rate, and the twist of synthetic Kryptonite (while providing a new threat for our heroine) adds some extra tension to the episode's climactic battle. Even the subplot of Kara and Mon-El (Chris Wood) works well this week as the complicated relationship helps feed Kara's frustration of not being able to help Lena. Superman fans will enjoy finally getting a glimpse of Lex Luthor, albeit a pre-teen version, as well as the first on-screen appearance of of his Super-Powers armor suit (just one of many items in Lex's secret vault Lillian needed Lena's help in finding giving her a dual motivation to attempt to bring her daughter over to the side of Cadmus). As to what item Lillian found far more intriguing than even the armor, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm thoroughly impressed by this episode (even the shitty Cyborg-Superman's reappearance didn't bother me that much), and next week's arrival of troublesome imp Mxyzptlk suggests there's some more fun on the way.