Super-Heroes Card Trader - Birds of Prey Awesome Pack
For more super-heroes check out Super-Hero Pack 1, Pack 2, Pack 3, Black Cat Pack 1, Lara Croft Pack 1, and Harley Quinn Pack 1, Pack 2, Pack 3, Pack 4, and the X-Mas Mega Pack.

Thelema Therion is a Spanish artist and cosplayer. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and deviantART.
Nicole Marie Jean is a Boston cosplayer. You can follow her on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter. Check out her official store as well.
Pokypandas is a cosplayer from California. You can follow her on deviantART.
Lichee is a German cosplayer. You can follow her on Facebook, deviantART, and Instagram.
Victoria is a cosplayer from Philadelphia. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, and check out her official blog.
Kira Kourture is a Louisiana cosplayer who won Best in Show at last year's Dracon Con with her amazing Hawkgirl cosplay. You can follow Kira on Facebook and deviantART. Head here for more on the making of the costume.
NovemberCosplay is a cosplayer. You an follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and deviantART.
Mango Sirene. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, deviantART and Tumblr.
Vavalika is a Russian cosplayer. You can follow her on Instagram, deviantART, and Facebook.
NOTE: These cards exist solely to celebrate and promote the cosplayers and their terrific cosplay. No physical copies of these cards exist, nor has any attempt to sell any of the cards been made.