Adapted from Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, Walt Disney's second animated film features a morality tale about a young puppet brought to life who struggles to learn lessons about right and wrong. Helping him, but not always being successful, is Jiminy Cricket who is drafted into service as Pinocchio's conscience by the Blue Fairy who instills life in the marionette after answering the fondest wish of his creator Gepetto. If Pinocchio can prove himself brave, truthful, and unselfish, he may become a real boy, but before that can happen he'll make a few wrong turns along the way.
Paroled from the Disney Vault, Pinocchio is re-released on Blu-ray as part of the new Signature Series. Extras include all the previously-released features (behind-the-scenes featurettes, storyboards, deleted scenes, and more) along with a handful of new short featurettes on the film, music, and Pleasure Island, and a vintage black-and-white cartoon.
Although not originally a financial success, more than 75 years after its initial release Pinocchio still entertains. Over the year's its critical acclaim has only grown as it is widely considered one of Disney's best films. It's feature song, "When You Wish Upon a Star," would become intrinsically tied to the Disney brand as much as Cinderella's castle.
[Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, $39.99]
Paroled from the Disney Vault, Pinocchio is re-released on Blu-ray as part of the new Signature Series. Extras include all the previously-released features (behind-the-scenes featurettes, storyboards, deleted scenes, and more) along with a handful of new short featurettes on the film, music, and Pleasure Island, and a vintage black-and-white cartoon.
Although not originally a financial success, more than 75 years after its initial release Pinocchio still entertains. Over the year's its critical acclaim has only grown as it is widely considered one of Disney's best films. It's feature song, "When You Wish Upon a Star," would become intrinsically tied to the Disney brand as much as Cinderella's castle.
[Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, $39.99]