Legends of Tomorrow - The Legion of Doom

Presented largely from the villains' perspective, "The Legion of Doom" focuses on the dysfunctional trio of Malcom Merlyn (John Barrowman), Damien Darkh (Neal McDonough), and the Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) as they work to try and get answers out of the fried brain of Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill). Even without his full personality or memories, Hunter is able to pit the villains against each other and make Merlyn and Darhk begin to question their ability to trust their partner. This eventually leads to an explanation of what Thawne is running from and why the Reverse-Flash must rely on partners to get his hands on the Spear of Destiny.

What we see of the Legends in this episode is tied to them attempting to discover the identity of The Legion of Doom's speedster and the return of Lily Stein (Christina Brucato) who helps her father hack into artifact. There is a little shipboard drama when Lily learns about time aberrations, but the show deals with it rather quickly. Next week will see the return of Rip Hunter, although once again not exactly the version the Legends know as Thawne and his team have managed to restore the Time Master's memories but decide to add a few improvements of their own.

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