Red Sonja #0

Dynamite Entertainment's new series gets a preview with this twenty-five-cent issue featuring Red Sonja hired by the citizens of Meru to put down a demon. After taking down the creature she also has a short run-in with Kulan Gath before things get weird. Awaking in caves, Sonja begins her journey to the service only to discover she's not in Kansas, or Meru, anymore.

Beginning with the next issue, the new volume of Red Sonja takes place in modern day where a woman in a chain-mail bikini holding a very large sword is a tad bit conspicuous. Laying the groundwork for the new series, the zero issued gives us more classic She-Devil with a Sword action before transporting to new surroundings.

Amy Chu looks to be a good choice as the new comic's writer (although I'm not quite sold on the premise). Carlos Comez's art is a little too cheesecake for me, but certainly fits in with the character's long comic history. And, for the price of a quarter, you can't complain too much. For fans.

[Dynamite Entertainment, $.25]

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