Nova #2
Sam Alexander meets Richard Rider. Nova #2 brings the youngest Nova into contact with the recently resurrected one as the pair meet while fighting off an alien of unknown origin (who apparently isn't so much defeated as forgotten about). After a short stopover at Sam's place, the pair head out for a little space action which leads them Knowhere and an encounter with an old friend.
While the first-ever meeting between the pair isn't all that memorable, Nova #2 does have its fun with the Novas' interaction with Cosmo and writer Jeff Loveness' lighthearted stab at Marvel and their level of ridiculousness while continuing to change the universe to make it all but unrecognizable for a character that hasn't actually been gone all that long.
The second issue of the title still doesn't quite sell me on its set-up, although I do like that it doesn't take long for the pair of Novas to be out in space rather than Earthbound. The final panels suggest not all their space travels will be fun and games, however. Worth a look.
[Marvel, $3.99]