Usagi Yojimbo #160

The single-issue tale tackles the dangerous delicacy of Fugu when a friend of Miyamoto Usagi is accused of poisoning one of his most valued customers. After the shogun's agent turns up dead from eating improperly prepared pufferfish, Usagi steps in to help Inspector Ishida in the investigation which quickly points to other suspects when the pair discover the original Fugu had been replaced before it ever made it to its victim.

As writer/artist Stan Sakai is known to do with the comic, Usagi Yojimbo #160 not only delivers a new adventure for Usagi but also teaches the reader about an aspect of Japanese culture. The truth behind the death turns out to be more complicated than either Usagi or Ishida suspect. The issue also includes an unexpected back-up story in Chibi style fans should enjoy.

While I've enjoyed Ishida's recent appearances, after staying around town for several issues, I'm ready for Usagi's wanderlust to kick back in and see the rabbit ronin continue his wanderings. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $3.99]

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