LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures - Season One

Set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the animated LEGO Star Wars series follows the misadventures of a family of mechanics whose youngest member discovers a connection to the Force and accepts the responsibility of keeping the fragments of a powerful weapon out of the hands of the Emperor (Trevor Devall).

Most of the series focuses on the trouble young Rowan (Nicolas Cantu) gets his older siblings Zander (Eugene Byrd) and Kordi (Vanessa Lengies) into while helping a Jedi (who is secretly a Sith) find and collect the fragments of the Kyber Saber.

Collected on DVD and Blu-ray, extras include two short featurettes on the Freemakers and their salvage business. Highlights of the season include the Freemakers on Hoth, a trip to the Imperial Museum on Naboo, and getting dragged into a Wookiee rescue mission.

Lightweight, and more than a little goofy, the series does offer some fun along the way both while including pre-existing characters (such as Dengar) and in introducing new recurring characters to the Star Wars universe in raise-adverse Durpin and his protege Plumestiker. As a fan of both LEGO and Star Wars there's plenty for me to enjoy (although it's not a title I'd be likely to permanently add to my collection).

[Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Blu-ray $42.99 / DVD $39.99]

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