Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1
DC Comics' first big crossover following the Rebirth reboot pits the Justice League against the Suicide Squad when Batman fills in the rest of the League about Amanda Waller's private army of mercenary super-villains. When the Squad's latest mission in Badhnisia goes bad the Justice League shows up (not realizing that the Squad will quite literally have to fight for their lives to prevent Waller from murdering them all by detonating the explosives at the base of each of their skulls).
The first issue culminates in the big battle between the two teams while showing some humor by acknowledging just how much of an unfair fight Task Force X has in store for them.
Because such a fight can't last all that long (certainly not six issues) his first issue also throws a wildcard in the mix as Maxwell Lord makes his first appearance in Rebirth taking advantage of the situation with a prison break to fill out his own team of soldiers including Lobo (thankfully back to his classic style). Not sure just what Max is after, but his involvement in the story does make it slightly more intriguing. For fans.
[DC, $3.99]