The Good Place - ...Someone Like Me as a Member
Deciding not to immediately turn over his Eleanor (Kristen Bell) to the visitors from the Bad Place, Michael (Ted Danson) enlists the help of Tahani (Jameela Jamil) to distract and mollify his guests until a proper trade can be worked out. Meanwhile, Chidi (William Jackson Harper) begins to get to know the other Eleanor (Tiya Sircar) which only makes our "fake" Eleanor feel more out of place. These discussions also allow us a glimpse of what Eleanor's life in the Bad Place would consist of and why neither woman would willingly want to go there.
In last week's episode we saw Michael decide to stand-up and fight for Eleanor. This week she will begin to fight for herself. Despite her doubts, Eleanor is forced to admit for the first time in her life she's found a community where she wants to belong (unlike in the flashbacks of her life on Earth). For now it looks like the Good Place is keeping two Eleanors, although we'll have to wait and see what the repercussions of this might be. As for Tahani, her discovery late in the episode likely means another big shake-up for everyone involved.