Super-Heroes Card Trader - Lara Croft Awesome Pack
For more super-heroes check out Super-Hero Pack 1, Pack 2, Pack 3, Black Cat Pack 1, and Harley Quinn Pack 1, Pack 2, Pack 3, and Pack 4.

Joanie Brosas is a model and cosplayer from Utah. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Eilaire is an Italian cosplayer. You can follow her on deviantART and Facebook.
Fuinur Croft is an Italian cosplayer. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, deviantART, and Tumblr.
Illyne is a French cosplayer. Follow her on Facebook, deviantART, and Instagram.
LeeAnnna Vamp is a model, actress, and cosplayer. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and check out her official site.
Lena-Lara is a German model and cosplayer. You can follow her on Facebook and deviantART.
Shermie Cosplay is a cosplayer from Brazil. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Tanya Croft is a cosplayer from the Ukraine. You can follow her on Instagram, Facebook, deviantART, and Tumblr.
NOTE: These cards exist solely to celebrate and promote the cosplayers and their terrific cosplay. No physical copies of these cards exist, nor has any attempt to sell any of the cards been made.