Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eleven #1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eleven begins with Buffy and the Scoobies all in a good place and relatively happy. As fans of the television series know, that's usually when things go south quickly. Buffy and Spike are working with the police as supernatural crime consultants, Xander and Dawn's relationship is stronger than ever, Willow has moved on to teaching and sharing her knowledge about magic, and even Giles seems more at peace with his teenage reality. And that's when a dragon shows up.
After Buffy and Spike fight off a beast in the sewers to open the issue, the big action comes with the unexpected appearance of a Chinese Water Dragon. If this first issue is any indication, the shortened Season Eleven (only 12 issues) may be fairly hectic for the Scoobies. The first issue also teases a change in the United States Government's approach to magic (which I'm guessing will be one of the major themes of the season). On the plus side, it looks like we (and Buffy) are going to be thrown immediately into the action. On the downside, that means we're unlikely to get some of those fun individual issues mixed into the overall arc. Worth a look.
[Dark Horse, $3.99]