The Wicked + The Divine #22

My interest in writer Kieron Gillen and artist Jamie McKelvie's The Wicked + The Divine died along with the murder of lead character Laura Wilson (the fan girl through whose eyes we met Lucifer and the rest of the pantheon) way back in issue #11. Learning that Laura had been brought back as the destroyer Persephone, however, renewed my interest in the comic and gave me a reason to check out what I've missed.

The Wicked + The Divine #22 is the conclusion of the "Rising Action" story arc (and really the arc which began in the series first issue). Mortals turned Gods square off as Anake buys time to kill Minerva and complete her sacrifice of four (alluded to but not explained) which she claims is necessary to stop the oncoming darkness.

In the end it isn't Laura or the might of one side of warring Gods or the other but reason presented by Urdr that leads Anake's blind followers to seek the truth. It also allows the Gods to prevent Minerva's sacrifice and force Laura to make a difficult decision whose aftershocks are likely to effect the entire pantheon. Worth a look.

[Image, $3.50]

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