Lucifer - Everything's Coming Up Lucifer
Lucifer returns for it's sophomore season with the Devil on edge wondering where his wayward mother may be and what kind of revenge she has in store for him. At first Lucifer (Tom Ellis) suspects his mother's involvement in his latest case involving the murder of a Hollywood stand-in with devilish implications. Although that turns out not to be true, the case does allow Lucifer to work out some mommy issues before finally helping to nab the murderer (Rusty Schwimmer). As for his mother, the premiere waits until it's closing episode to introduce us to "Mum" (Tricia Helfer).
While teasing Chloe's (Lauren German) questions about who Lucifer really is and how he survived last season's finale, "Everything's Coming Up Lucifer" offers an avenue to put aside her questions and just accept Lucifer for the good he brings to her life. This newfound acceptance comes not from Amenadiel's (D.B. Woodside) attempt to offer a plausible reason for Lucifer's inexplicable abilities but from the introduction of the show's new CSI (Aimee Garcia) who helps give Chloe a new perspective on her unusual partner.
While offering a murder that helps Lucifer work through complex feelings about his mother, the season premiere still leaves several questions unanswered as to what Lucifer's mother wants and why she's come to Los Angeles. It also looks like the show has bigger plans for Mazikeen (Lesley-Ann Brandt) this season than just Lucifer's Girl Friday or Amenadiel's unlikely lover. I'll be interested to see where her new growth eventually leads her (and hope to see more of her friendship with Chloe's daughter). And of course there's the question of who or what prevented Amenadiel from removing Lucifer's blood from police evidence. Was this divine intervention, or does a new player have interest in Lucifer's relationship with Chloe?