Glitterbomb #1

Glitterbomb #1 follows a pretty basic horror set-up where our protagonist is exposed to something dark and inexplicable which changes her life. In the case of the new series from writer Jim Zub and artist Djibril Morissette-Phan our lead character is middle-aged actress Farrah Durante struggling to keep her acting career alive in an industry where experience is a detriment. A night on the beach leads to contact with some malevolent force, changing Frances in odd ways and allowing her to release her anger at being passed over for roles in the most extreme way possible.

Glitterbomb isn't the kind of comic I usually pick up, but the premise intrigued me enough to give it a shot. I'm far from sold on the concept after only a single issue, but Frances is an intriguing character and I am somewhat curious to see where the comic goes. Does she attempt to hide new murderous side, do the police come after her, does the change actually affect her life (and career) in any way for the better? I'm not sure there's enough here to keep me around long enough to find out the answers to these questions, but it is a solid first issue. Worth a look.

[Image, $3.99]

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