Wonder Woman #3
Returning to the current storyline begun in the series' first issue, Wonder Woman #3 focuses primarily on former friends turned enemies Wonder Woman and Cheetah. Unable to find Themyscira on her own, Diana needs the help of an old friend.
Even after striking deal with Cheetah, before earning her help Wonder Woman and her new ally will have to deal with the the wolf-man-like soldiers chasing them through the jungle. And then of course there's also Steve Trevor who gets one-step closer to Wonder Woman with every single issue. Will his appearance upset the tenuous alliance between the former friends? And what happens if Diana is forced to choose between her former sister and lover?
Next month the comic will slingshot back to the year one storyline. So far, I'm preferring this arc (and the jumping back and forth continues to be awkward). I am curious to learn more about Cheetah's curse and the source of the creatures chasing Diana. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]