Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #2
Hal Jordan's search for answers about the missing Green Lantern Corps leads him into contact with a pair of Yellow Lanterns. News that a Green Lantern has survived, and that that Lantern is his former pupil, doesn't sit well with Sinestro. Despite his bravado, news that his arch-nemesis is still alive makes his absolute control of the universe suddenly appear not quite as secure.
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #2 also begins to showcase the remaining Green Lantern Corps members. Small in number, and unable to recruit new ring-slingers, the Green Lanterns have returned. Unsure of the status quo, John Stewart sends a lone Green Lantern to investigate: Guy Gardner.
It will be interesting to see how long the existence of the other Green Lanterns remains a secret. Not exactly known for stealth, Gardner is likely to draw some attention in his own search for answers. But whose attention will be drawn to him first, Hal's or Sinestro's. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]